Quirky Books To Read

Because Life Is Weird Right Now

Dec.29.2020 By: Jessica Shanks 2 MIN read

It seems like life over the past year has been all about throwing us for loops. So, for a year that has been anything but ordinary, why not add a little something outside the norm to your reading list? The books range from delightfully off-beat to funny to full on weird. But, they’re all still well out a read. These reads feature clumsy and awkward protagonists who definitely march to the beat of their own drum. Check out our list of quirky books and get ready to relate.

The Color Of Magic

This book is written by Terry Pratchett, who is a master of writing when it comes to quirky books. If you’re familiar with the book (and Amazon series) Good Omens, he was half the creative force behind that gem. The Color of Magic is the first book in what would go on to become known as “The Discworld” series. That’s because the novel takes place on a planet that is a flat disc being carried around the universe on the back of 4 giant elephants. The story revolves around a character named Twoflower who is visiting the planet, and the cranky, cynical, and inept wizard he hires as a guide named Rincewind. Hijinks ensue. It’s a fun and funny fantasy read you should definitely check out.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

Many people consider this novel to be the ultimate example of quirky books. If you’ve never had the pleasure of reading this gem by Douglas Adams, you have been doing yourself a great disservice. It’s a laugh-out-loud sort of book, so if you decide to dive in, you might wanna think twice about doing so in public. When the Earth is scheduled to be demolished to make way for an intergalactic space highway, one man manages to escape doom thanks in part to his having a bath towel. It just gets more quirky from there. If you’re a fan of silly, you will love this book, and the others in the series.

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Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir

It’s almost as if the title of this book pretty much sums up the entirety of 2020. Jenny Lawson authors this book, and it is hilarious. Though, we do have to put out there that there is some pretty colorful language in this book. The cover is pretty adorable, and well, you need to get a load of some of the chapter titles! If entries like “And Then I Snuck A Dead Cuban Alligator on an Airplane”, “I Was a 3 Year Old Arsonist”, and “No One Ever Taught Me Couch Etiquette” don’t pique your interest, do you even have a pulse?

Photo Credit: Amazon

How To Be A Woman

While this novel definitely deserves a place on our list of quirky books, it is also a both funny and cutting look at what it means to be a woman. It’s part observational writing piece, and partly a cry to embrace your power as a woman. Even if this kind of book doesn’t seem like your usual cup of tea, you’ll be happy you gave it a try.

Photo Credit: Amazon

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Jessica Shanks

Jessica Shanks

Otter enthusiast Round earth-er Sour candy connoisseur

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