Aware AE: The UAE’s First Online Mental Health Magazine

Feb.15.2021 By: Staff Writer 6 MIN read

Since the start of 2019, the topic of mental health has gained awareness in the Middle East. Prior to that, having any sort of mental health issue was taboo and very much a “Keep it lowkey” situation. The harsh truth is that we all go through tough times, regardless of our experience, age, race, sexuality, gender, etc. However, in this case, one of the most important things is self-awareness. In order to better your health in all aspects, you must educate yourself on important things related to healthcare – and mental health does fall under this umbrella.

With the topic of mental health becoming more prominent in the region, one particular person decided to take matters into her own hands in terms of raising awareness towards the subject and igniting conversation to form a community. Thus, Aware AE was born.

All About ‘Aware AE’

AWARE AE is the first online non-profit magazine in the UAE revolving around the topic of mental health and the stigma within the Middle Eastern region that raises awareness through passion and experience.

Beyond the team’s passion towards the subject, they strive to normalize such conversations and educate their audience on different mental health topics from general mental health, to the stigma it holds in the region, the mental health community, as well as different mindfulness and self-care techniques. Additionally, the platform also strives to give their audience a sense of community and reassurance that they are not alone, and most importantly, convey that it is okay to seek help if you are struggling with your mental health.

Words from The Founder

The founder of this newfound non-profit magazine is Omaya Bader. Omaya is a 23-year-old, Palestinian-American AUD graduate with a degree in Communication and Information Studies focusing on Journalism. “I honestly always wanted to study psychology, but, unfortunately, when I joined university that major did not exist until my senior year, so I pursued my passion for writing,” She tells us.

Dealing with her own mental struggles and finally being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder at the age of 21, after several misdiagnoses, Omaya finally had a clear image on how to go about taking control of the reigns in terms of seeking professional help. “I was diagnosed with everything besides what I actually suffer with. From Anxiety to Depression, to Cyclothymia – a mild form of Bipolar Disorder,” she says, “It was only through personal research that I came across Borderline Personality Disorder and requested an evaluation for diagnosis and it turns out that I was right. I want to educate people on mental health so that they never have to go through similar struggles in terms of professionalism when it comes to psychiatric care and therapy in the region.”

Although Omaya graduated with a degree in journalism, she has always had a passion for psychology hence her decision to combine her two passions to create Aware AE. “We are not, nor do we claim to be mental health professionals. We are simply a team of young mental health passionates that strive to normalize the conversation surrounding it through modern-day media as well as our experiences.,” she says, “We include the UAE’s mental health hotline on our website which you can reach through the click of a button and we encourage our audience to do so if they wish to seek help as our articles are simply for informational purposes.”

Words from The Co-Founder

Tala Al Otaibi, a Palestinian-Syrian student at AUS double majoring in international relations and psychology is the co-founder of Aware. “I have always been passionate about spreading awareness about mental health as I do suffer from both ADHD, OCD, as well as Mood Instabilities myself,” She tells us, “This Platform is a passion project used to achieve just that, and I could not be prouder to be a part of it.”

Tala has also struggled in terms of seeking help for her mental health and decided to take matters into her own hands by committing to a second degree in Psychology in order to educate herself. “I wanted to become an advocate for mental health because I never want anyone to go through the struggle of feeling like there is something wrong with them and not being able to find an answer. I wanted to become an advocate for mental health so that the stigma revolving it is reduced and more people seek help. And lastly, I wanted to become an advocate for mental health so people know that they are not alone,” She says.

Accolades and Looking Ahead

Credits: Instagram (@upnexxtbyali)

Since the launch of Aware, not only has the platform received support from friends and family, but the platform has also formed an online community for those dealing with mental illness in the UAE. “Many have reached out to us to simply thank us for allowing them to feel like they are not alone,” Omaya says. “We have also been featured on the “Up Next” podcast that you can listen to on all sound platforms”.

In addition to this, the Al Mawakeb School Alumni Committee – the highschool that both the founder and co-founder attended, have reached out to them to be featured as excellent alumni, and to hopefully conduct speeches and talks for the AMSI community. “To have recognition from a place that we grew up in is an absolute honor and we are proud to consider Al Mawakeb our forever second home,” they say.

If you are looking to educate yourself on mental health and mental illness, check out Aware AE’s website here. If you or a loved one are struggling with mental illness, it is encouraged that you seek professional psychological help, or contact the UAE’s hotline here.

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