Why You Should Love Your 30’s

Be Not Afraid!

Jan.26.2021 By: Jessica Shanks 2 MIN read

When did we, as women, decide that aging was something to fear? While nobody exactly relishes the idea of being in our 80’s, there’s a lot of fun to be had in-between! Is it celebrities? Is it social media? Why is reaching the our 30’s and 40’s such a source of semi-panic for us? Well, we are here to tell you, it shouldn’t be, queens! We’re about to give you a whole bunch of reasons you should be perfectly fine with ditching your 20’s. Reasons why you should absolutely love your 30’s. C’mon, read along, it’s always good to have something to look forward to.

Your Self Confidence Gets A Major Boost

Alright, while we’re not about to say that every little hang-up you have will magically go poof when you hit 30. But, you will be a lot more comfortable in your own skin. Our teenage years are often fraught with self-doubt. Our 20’s sometimes see us trying to fake much more self confidence than we actually have. For some reason, 30 just hits different. It’s like you finally get sick of all that doubt and get way more comfortable in your own skin and who you are as a person. If you haven’t yet reached “I am who I am, take it or leave it” status before you hit 30, you will soon after you do.

You Know What You Want From A Relationship

There is no shame in still dating in your 30’s. In fact, by the time you are 30, you will have a very firm grip on just what you demand out of relationship. You will know exactly what a deal breaker is. You’ll be much better at spotting red flags, because you’ve probably seen most of them by then. Also, dating is a lot more straight forward. There isn’t as much cat and mouse or pressure. The maturity and life experience means you can enjoy dating and relationships on perhaps the purest level possible, because you can so quickly see through all the BS. You also aren’t afraid to keep your options open as “settling” for someone less than what you deserve, simply isn’t an option.

You Have Finally Mastered The Art Of Saying “No”

This can be a hard one for many. But, at 30, your brain just sort of says, “we don’t need to please everyone all the time. Our time is also valuable”. It’s something that just sort of clicks in your head and that anxiety and guilt that goes along with saying no becomes almost entirely muted.

You Finally Give Yourself Permission To Sloooowww Doooowwwwnnn

If that’s not a reason to love your 30’s, we don’t know what is. Look, there’s a reason the term “young and hungry” exists. Our 20’s are spent in a mad dash to further ourselves. We want to prove ourselves to everyone. We want to tackle our careers and become boss ladies. We want to stay up to date on all the trends. Travel to all the places. Do all the things. Get in all the exercise. No matter that doing all these things means little to no sleep or time for real self-care. In your 20’s, it almost feels as if you don’t hit every goal in record time, that you’re a failure. Well ladies, first of all, that’s not true. Second of all, there is relief; it’s called turning 30. Now, turning 30 doesn’t mean you stop dreaming, or traveling, or doing fun things, or chasing your career and life goals. It just means, you don’t have to go at it like the world is ending tomorrow. You learn balance. You learn the importance of taking care of yourself and making time for yourself. You’re not less focused or less driven. You just realize that life really is a marathon, and you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone but you.

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Jessica Shanks

Jessica Shanks

Otter enthusiast Round earth-er Sour candy connoisseur

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