Modest Fashion with Junaynah El Guthmy

Feb.13.2021 By: Omaya Michelle 5 MIN read

For today’s Dubai-based fashion feature we have Junaynah El Guthmy, a Yemeni-Kenyan, law graduate that shifted career paths and now works as a Creative director and content consultant. Junaynah has made an impact on social media for her striking twist on modest fashion and out-there looks – that we, at The Modern East, just cannot get enough of! Keep reading to learn all about this stunning fashion icon, her inspirations, accolades, and her future goals.

Gravitating Towards Fashion

Credits: Instagram (@junaynaah)

Though Junaynah has her degree in law, she quickly gravitated towards the creative field not long after delving into her professional life. “To me, fashion is so much more than just clothing yourself, it’s using it as a medium for expression, and that’s just such a core part of my life,” Junaynah explains, “I’ve always been fascinated with what style’s people are drawn to and why, what it says about who they are, the community aspect of it and how every little thing can change the entire conversation.”

Credits: Instagram (@junaynaah)

Grabbing inspiration from the likes of prominent labels from the likes of Dion Lee, Alexander McQueen, and Balmain, to icons like Aaliyah, Erykah Badu, and more, Junaynah describes her sense of fashion as boundaryless and ever-evolving with the core purpose being to encourage expression and compliment her own personal daily and overall evolution. “I’m known to be in all black leather one day, then a bright pink tailored dress the next, and I feel genuinely myself in both,” Junaynah tells us.

Accolades and Looking Ahead

Credits: Instagram (@junaynaah)

From being granted opportunities to direct, model, assist, coordinate, and more, Junaynah has done it all through her love for fashion. “Personally, fashion was the gateway to me growing artistically. It’s given me the perfect balance of adrenaline, adventure, high art, variety, freedom and because modest fashion is still very young, with not too many people straying from the ‘norm’ it’s given me the opportunity to create a legacy. To wake up every morning knowing I get to be an artist is my biggest accomplishment,” Junayah says.

Credits: Instagram (@junaynaah)

“People are intrigued by my interpretation of modest fashion, which I love. And I think it’s that intrigue that has motivated people to invite me onto projects, and for that, I am deeply humbled and grateful. A lot of people have taken a chance on me and believed in my potential; I consider myself highly blessed for it,” She adds.

Credits: Instagram (@junaynaah)

For the future, Junaynah aspires to direct and/or model a modest editorial with and for brands such as Dior, Gucci, Alexander Mcqueen, and Versace. “My question whenever I’m asked to model is “Why do you want me specifically?” And if the answer sounds anything along the lines of “We basically want a diversity hire and you’re kind of cool” I politely decline. It’s very important to me that I get to come on a project and make sure the end result encourages a perception of hijabi women as strong figures that are so powerfully elegant,” Junaynah explains.

“I want to hold an art exhibit in Dubai, AD, Paris, New York, and London, an entire gallery filled with modest editorials, show the world not only can hijabi’s meet the International’s standard of fashion expression but also challenge and elevate it,” Junaynah tells us, “My fantasy is for a little girl to walk in, see my photographs, and be inspired by the strength and women in the images and understand how phenomenal it is to be a hijabi, that is my greatest aspiration; to inspire.”

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