Should You Buy That Thing? A Checklist

Curb The Impulse!

Apr.1.2020 By: Jessica Shanks 2 MIN read

There’s something that you want, and it’s something else other than world peace, infinite good hair days, and a Friends reunion. This thing will take money. This thing is not really essential, even though in the moment it may seem entirely “necessary”. Your cursor hovers over the “add to cart” button while that “but do I really need it?” voice nags at the corners of your consciousness. Should you buy that thing? Here’s a checklist to help you decide.

Do You Need This Thing Immediately?

In a world of free 2-day shipping, everything seems like we needed it yesterday. But, before you purchase, ask yourself if you really need the item in question right away. If not, bookmark it and wait a while. Give yourself a few days to really decide if it’s a must have. Or, if it’s a question of funds, make a plan to save for it before just throwing it on the ol’ credit card.

Ask Yourself If It Is Worth The Equivalent Work Hours

Wanna know one of the fastest ways to talk yourself out of an impulse buy? Calculate how many hours of work it would take to pay for what you’ve just put into your virtual cart. Yeah, that designer top or handbag may be totally fetch, but is it worth the equivalent office hours?

Can You Afford It?

Money comes and money goes, and there are definitely times when it seems like it’s doing a lot more going than coming. It’s not always fun to think of things in this sort of stark, black-and-white manner. But, it’s a simple question that can make a big difference. You just have to be honest with yourself.

Will The Item Add Real Value To Your Life?

This can be a tricky one. We can be rather creative when it comes to justifying to ourselves why we need something that we actually only want. There’s nothing wrong with buying “wants”. But if you’re asking yourself if you should make a purchase, it’s probably best to assess what value it brings to your life. Will it make your life easier, better, richer? Will it increase your quality of life in some tangible way?

Will You Really Use The Item And For How Long?

A good deal is definitely hard to resist. Seeing a low price-tag can be a siren song, compelling you to go ahead and make an impulse buy. Before you do, consider how often you will really use the item. Does it have any sort of longevity? If it’s going to be sitting in the back of a closet/cupboard in a few months, it’s not worth it.

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Jessica Shanks

Jessica Shanks

Otter enthusiast Round earth-er Sour candy connoisseur

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