Factoid Apps To Entertain You

Knowledge is Power 📚

Jan.2.2019 By: Jessica Shanks 3 MIN read
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Even if your university days are over, there is always more to learn! Curiosity is a great thing to indulge and there’s no time like the present to gain some knowledge. Did you know that high heel shoes were originally meant for men? Well, now you do! These fact apps are sure to make you feel like the smartest person in the room and give you some interesting conversation fodder for your next get-together!


This aptly named app has a staggering amount of content that is sure to both pique and satisfy your curiosity! Browse through over 5 thousand short form articles and over 1 million videos and podcasts on just about any topic that you can think of.  Want to know what the world’s oldest fairy tale is? Curious as to who Maria Agnesi was? Do you know how scientists search for dark matter in space? Look no further than this app for the answers! Search via broad sweeping categories like Art, History, Travel, and Galaxies or by subjects to really zero in on something which interests you. Prepare to lose some serious time to some serious learning!

LIFE- Jessica- FactoidApps To Entertain You

Download it for iOS here, and for Android here.

Daily Random Facts

If you’re looking for something on the “quick” side, this is your app! Short, random factoids appear on your screen at times you choose. There’s no choosing a subject or scrolling lengthy explanations. You can set things up to have them delivered multiple times a day, or just flip through the interface to get a quick boost of brain food! Though certainly not as in-depth as Curiosity, it still has plenty of interesting things to make you go, “Hmmmm”.

The Modern East - LIFE - FactoidApps To Entertain You

Download it for iOS here, and for Android here.

Did You Know?

Another short blurb factoid app,  start out by deciding how many facts you want to learn each day (you can go as few as one or as many as 100). Next, decide what times of day you would want to learn, checking all hours that apply. There’s even the ability to choose the language you are most comfortable with and what subjects interest you. The number of random facts you chose will be sent to your screen and you can also use the app whenever you wish!

The Modern East - LIFE - Factoid apps

Download it for iOS here, and for Android here.

10,500+ Cool Facts

As of the time of this writing, there are actually 10, 513 cool facts for you to browse! That’s a whole lot of factoids! You can search for facts by number if you’re feeling somewhat spontaneous, or simply click through starting at number 1 for the more methodical types.  See something particularly interesting? You can favorite it or send it to a friend via Facebook and/or Twitter. I’m sure we all know that one person who needs to know that $30 worth of raw popcorn translates to $3,000 in sales at the movies.

The Modern East - LIFE - Factoid Apps

Download it for iOS here, and for Android here.

Facts and Myths

Even though this app is for Android only devices, it still makes the list since it is a little different from the others. Part pure fact giver, part myth buster, this app both teaches you new things and debunks some things people might commonly believe are true! Thought nothing could go faster than light? This app will tell you why that’s not true and leave you to pass on the real story!

The Modern East - LIFE - Factoid Apps

Download it for Android here.

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Jessica Shanks

Jessica Shanks

Otter enthusiast Round earth-er Sour candy connoisseur

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