Veggies You Should Be Eating More Of

Get The Health Benefits Guuurrrlll

Jan.30.2021 By: Jessica Shanks 2 MIN read
vegan art

Let’s be honest, a lot of us could be doing a little better with our veggie intake. If you’re guilty of not working enough veggies into your diet, maybe it’s time to work smarter, not harder. We’ve put together a list of some of the vegetables that are the absolute best for you. Everything on this list will hit your body with a truckload of vitamins and other goodness that will lead to a healthier you.


If you have a strong aversion to spinach, it might just be possible that you’ve been eating it wrong. Fresh spinach is not only tasty, but it’s really not at all overpowering. Try mixing some into a salad, wilting some into soups and stews, or even mixing some into your pasta dishes. Just one cup of fresh spinach (which wilts down to next to nothing) provides you with your total vitamin K requirement for the day. It’ll also give you over 56% of your vitamin A needs. It’s also packed with anti-oxidants, and those have tons of benefits.


This is one of those veggies that people seem to either love or hate. If you’re not a huge fan of the stuff raw, try it cooked! It can make for a fantastic side-dish boiled, steam, or roasted. It’s also fantastic in a cream soup or in pasta dishes, or stuffed with cheese into some chicken breast. A cup of chopped and boiled broccoli will get you twice your daily need for vitamin C. It will also get you all your K for the day. Need another bonus, it’s full of stuff called sulforaphane, which has been shown to help protect against cancer.

Green Peas

Chalk another victory up for team green. Peas sometimes get a bad wrap with picky eaters, but they’re amazingly versatile. If you don’t love the taste of them, try working them into a soup, casserole, or stew. Peas are a great source of fiber, which means they help support digestive health. They’re also fantastic sources of vitamins C, K, and A. Additionally, these little super veggies have anti-cancer effects too.

Sweet Potatoes

The soul root veggie on our list, sweet potatoes are not only yummy, but wonderful for you. Just one sweet potato provides way beyond your daily requirement of vitamin A. There’s also some vitamin B6 and C in there. You’ll find potassium and fiber as well. Sweet potatoes are especially good for people who suffer from diabetes, as they can actually help to regulate blood sugar.

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Jessica Shanks

Jessica Shanks

Otter enthusiast Round earth-er Sour candy connoisseur

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