Best Places to Stargaze in the UAE

Oh My Heavens!

Feb.26.2020 By: Jessica Shanks 2 MIN read
Best Places For Stargazing in the UAE - The Modern East

We spend a lot of our time staring at things that give off an artificial glow; screens being one of the biggest. While the city lights certainly have their allure, there are few things that can compete with the awe which the cosmos inspires. Light pollution is the biggest culprit (aside from clouds) when it comes to not being able to see the starry sky at night at its fullest potential. If you’re looking to spend more time looking up instead of down, grab a blanket, (and a tent if you mean to make it an evening) and head on out to these spots which provide some spectacular stargazing experiences.

Shuweihat Island

This remote island is definitely worth a weekend trip, not just to enjoy the splendor of the stars, but the other bits of natural beauty it offers as well. It’s about a 3-hour drive from Dubai. It’s out of the way location ensures that you won’t have to worry about city lights competing with stars, or sound pollution competing with the sounds of the sea. Beautifully gradient colored rock, sand formations and sea caves beg for you to explore them. Make sure to fuel up before you go, gas stations can be sparse along the way!

Liwa Desert

About 350km from Dubai lies this gem of a stargazing location. With dunes stretching to the horizon, it’s a beautiful place to soak up the inherent beauty of the desert and the stars. Nearby you’ll find the Moreeb Dune, which is 300 meters high and famous for being one of the largest and tallest dunes in the entire world. It even has its very own road. Liwa is also a place you can meet authentic Emirati Bedouins if you’re lucky enough. Camping out under the stars is entirely possible, but if you’re not a camping kind of girl, don’t despair, there are hotels available after you’ve had your fill of the night sky. 

Al Quaa Desert

If you’re looking for a spectacular view of the Milky Way, then this is your stop! Yes, the place also sports some gorgeous dunes, but to see the swath of stars cut against the sky here your breath is bound to catch. With very little to no light pollution whatsoever, you can gaze at all those bright twinkling lights in all their unhindered glory. It’s a popular spot with photogs as the view is that good.

Al Khatim Desert

This place is popular with dune enthusiasts and buggies and dune skiing are regularly enjoyed. However, it is also a top place with campers and those looking to enjoy the solitude and quiet that the desert provides. With no competition from lights (or very little in some spots), it’s also the perfect destination for stargazing and enjoying the sea of stars above.

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Jessica Shanks

Jessica Shanks

Otter enthusiast Round earth-er Sour candy connoisseur

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