Travel Products And Gadgets You Need

Go Prepared!

Jan.26.2021 By: Jessica Shanks 2 MIN read

Though we might not be quite as jet-setting these days as we once were, many of us are still trying to make at least some form of travel happen. Sure, we may be looking for more drive-able options and more secluded spots. But hey, at this point as long as its not the same walls we’ve been staring at for months now, it’s an upgrade. So, whether you are planning to travel far and wide, or just a stone’s throw away, here are some travel products and gadgets you defs need.

No Touch Door Openers

It’s decidedly different times that we live in now. Even the most simple of things has us reaching for our hand sanitizer. If it’s a communal surface, we have to wonder who else has touched it. Enter these little gadgets. They’re metal tools that you can use open doors and touch a whole bunch of things you’d probably rather not be touching with your actual hands right now. Use them to push elevator buttons, use the ATM, use touch screens, and even open bottles.

Photo Credit: Amazon

A Universal Multi-Function Travel Adapter

Now you’ll never have to wonder if you will need a special plug adapter where you’re going. This is one of the most genius travel products out there. It works with the plugs from over 150 countries. It also has speed charging and 4 different USB charging ports. Have a mix of Apple and Android devices? No problem here. It’s also heat resistant.

Photo Credit: Amazon

Phone Sanitizer

Even before things went south last year, owning one of these would have been a smart investment. Our phones are one of the biggest germ factories out there. Equipped with two UV lights, this sterilizing box touts itself as being able to kill off some serious germs in about 30 minutes. You can also use it to clean other notoriously dirty items like ear pods, jewelry, keys, and even your glasses. One more bonus, it can also charge your phone! The lights turn off as soon as you open the lid, so no need to worry about UV exposure.

Photo Credit: Amazon

A Clip On Phone Photo Lens

What’s travel without a bunch of photos to show off and remember all the cool stuff you did and saw? These days, phones have really stepped up their camera game. But, if you really want to take things to the next level, there are a whole bunch of handy dandy snap on lenses you can use. There are wide angle lenses, fisheye lenses, polarizers, macro lenses. Yeah, tons of options. Definitely one of those kinds of travel products that would come in super handy if you’re going to an especially scenic spot.

Start looking here.

Photo Credit: Amazon

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Jessica Shanks

Jessica Shanks

Otter enthusiast Round earth-er Sour candy connoisseur

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