Where to Travel in 2021

Jan.13.2021 By: Yara Heikal 3 MIN read

I can’t wait to get traveling again! The last year has been a nightmare for travel lovers across the world. Last month, I wrote about the best post-2020 travel destinations meaning, of course, the best places to visit as we start to emerge from this pandemic considering rules, the current situation. However, when we get back to traveling, the long gap has created a wanderlust like never before. So embrace it! Traveling in 2021 should be about celebrating those explorations that we missed by making them more exciting than ever! Here are some of the more adventurous travel destinations for 2021:

Milford Track, New Zealand

(credit: ultimatehikes.co.nz)

If you enjoy a walk or exploring, then 2021 is the year to kick it up a gear! The Milford Track is one of the most epic hiking trails in the world and you’ll never stop to even think about getting bored. Walking at the normal pace, the 53 km trail will take you around four days to complete (don’t worry, there are “huts” to sleep at along the way) and on your journey, you’ll find beautiful waterfalls and breath-taking mountain vistas.

 Glacier Hiking, Iceland

(credit: guidetoiceland.is)

If you want to step your hiking game up, even more, forget land, think ice! If you want to experience a truly unique, almost-alien landscape (I did say we were getting adventurous, right?) then there’s no better place to go than Iceland. There you will find plenty of glaciers, and tour companies, to go explore some of the most incredible natural phenomena that the world has to offer. Oh, and you might see the Northern Lights! This is a trip that definitely won’t hurt your insta.

Snorkeling, Belize

(credit: Steppes Travel)

 Believe it or not, Belize is home to the world’s second-largest coral reef, making it one of the most popular snorkeling destinations in the world. If you’ve never been on a snorkeling trip before (let’s be honest, you definitely haven’t) then this is definitely among the most unique experiences you could go for in 2021. And with access to that beautiful Caribbean climate, I’m sure you’ll also have plenty of opportunities to kick back, relax, and top up your tan!

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Yara Heikal

Yara Heikal

Flower Child, Pun City Resident, World Traveler in the Making

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