Beat Blue Monday 2021 in the Middle East

Jan.18.2021 By: Aurore Nio 2 MIN read

Blue Monday, another buzzword you may think. The name is indeed catchy – cringy for some? However, the concept makes quite a lot of sense. Blue Monday is the 3rd Monday of the new year and has been defined by science as the most depressing day of the year. Why? It is a Monday, which marks the start of the week in the west. Nobody likes the first day back at work… Secondly, it is the day when people realise, they haven’t kept up with their new year’s resolution. Additionally, it is quite far from the last pay day. Finally, it is one of the coldest days in most parts of the world. Not a good combo indeed! Let’s not be a victim of Blue Monday this year and here are some tips.

1. Have a wellness day

How about making this day special by taking the day off? Focus on meditation, self-care and forget about weather, money and resolutions.

2. Book a holiday

Having something to look forward to is one of the best ways to bring up one’s spirit. If you have been thinking for a while to book a holiday, Blue Monday sounds like the perfect day to action that.

3. Book a fitness class

No matter how much you may hate working out, the happiness endorphins released after a class are real.

4. Stay social

If you wake up on Blue Monday feeling a bit down, do not let it have the best of you. Remember that there is a scientific formula behind Blue Monday that makes it indeed a horrible day. Spend it with loved ones and it will feel much better.

5. Set up goals

Use this gloomy day to review your new year’s resolutions and turn them into 1 or 2 big goals.

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